City Cruisers (and your wood paneled cruisers) Bow Down when Felt comes to your town!

Schwinn BOW DOWN!

Pacific Cycles and every brand you license, BOW DOWN!


Ellsworth BOW DOWN!

Ah people, people, PEOPLE! I said last year sometime that while on my never ending quest for the FUNK in bicycle design, that many of you and the manufacturers you patronize for your cycling needs are so busy trying to think of the NEXT BIG THING that they lost focus on the simplicity that is in bicycle design RIGHT IN FRONT OF YALL! These bicycles are clean, no gadgets, no bragging to consumers about what they are made of, no stupid name that doesn't match the theme, none of that mess! Just pure, childlike enthusiasm communicated effectively through Felt Racing's designs. All of you, listed above or not should join me in in 'Taking a Bow' because your are in the presence of design royalty.....BOW DOWN!
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