Ok readers, now that I have recovered from the initial ‘Shock and Awe’ by a designer named Alex Suvajac ,visit his site at http://www.alexsuvajac.com/. I can now clearly relay my thoughts to you as it concerns one of the top 3 concept bicycles (not production bicycles) that I have seen thus far in my journey to realize bicycle design perfection. Up until now and going forward with future posts that you read, when you hear me say either ‘Much thought went into this or that design’ or ‘No thought went into this or that design’ I want you all to realize my standard for thoughtful design AND THIS IS IT! 
Concept designs are often ‘Out there’ and most of the ones I have seen are absolutely ugly or on the flip side, AWESOME! There seems to be no middle ground especially with this design, which is the latter. Before I continue, I want to cut several of you off before you even get started emailing me as you have done before telling me why this design isn’t mechanically sound. SAVE THAT DRAMA AND START DREAMIN’ BIG DREAMS MAN! Anything is possible in this day and age as it concerns engineering. Think about it, there is a small rover from NASA right now on the planet Mars billions of miles away taking samples of ice on another planet and relaying that information back to scientists on Earth. What would the naysayers have said if someone told them this was going to be possible even 20 years ago? Exactly what you naysayers are thinking about telling me concerning this particular design, IMPOSSIBLE!
Admittedly, I am not wild about the name ‘Frog’ and I can see why the designer named the design as he did but renaming is a small thing. I think a few samples of more worthy names would be something like Papa Doc, Smoove, Drop It, or Yummy! Just to name a few. I will shut my mouth for now and just let you all sit back, grab a bag of popcorn and enjoy the show because from where I sit, this Bicycle should be in the movies!
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