Come on man?

"Oh the Humanity!Just Dumb." 
I ran across a website recently called and the author of the article was Esther Dixon. The article was titled "Style Spotter Spots Bicycles". She posted some futuristic looking design and in 99% of the comments I read, the readers HATED these designs and one even said the bicycles looked like weed whackers! These are designs that win at the Taiwanese Design Competition every year. Admittedly this is a website by African-Americans for African-Americans, but all the same, WHO I AM is someone who loves funked out bicycle design and I will not waver from that. I recently posted and article entitled MVP! featuring the Ellsworth Design Nuvinci not to mention 'Glam Rock' by Cube, both companies launched by white folks I am sure. Yet, they were able to produce some designs so ignorant (nice) that it made me say to myself "Are you kidding me?"

I ran across a website recently called and the author of the article was Esther Dixon. The article was titled "Style Spotter Spots Bicycles". She posted some futuristic looking design and in 99% of the comments I read, the readers HATED these designs and one even said the bicycles looked like weed whackers! These are designs that win at the Taiwanese Design Competition every year. Admittedly this is a website by African-Americans for African-Americans, but all the same, WHO I AM is someone who loves funked out bicycle design and I will not waver from that. I recently posted and article entitled MVP! featuring the Ellsworth Design Nuvinci not to mention 'Glam Rock' by Cube, both companies launched by white folks I am sure. Yet, they were able to produce some designs so ignorant (nice) that it made me say to myself "Are you kidding me?"
This Design is Terrible!
This is not a racial thing yall! Nice bicycle design is nice bicycle design (all 5 of my favorite designs in the posted in my 'Funk Hall of Fame are by guess who.. white folks!) regardless of who produces it. I think 99.9% of the products Pacific Cycles produce under the various brands they have acquired are CRAPPY! By brand:

1) Schwinn verdict CRAPOLLA! A once mighty brand reduced to sad
2) Eddie Bauer....Should be renamed 'Eddie Bunk'.
3) Road Master.....The Master of NONE!
4) Murray....Needs to be in a HURRY to put out better designs!
5) DYNO...Marketed as a sub-brand of GT and BMX.....BMX great brand...GT ok...DYNO?
A company that does between $300-$400 million per year in revenue ought to do better than that. I am closing, hot designs are hot designs and producing terrible looking designs for the sake of doing something new is flat-out ignorant. Comments are welcome..........
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